Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Day 2- San Antonio Classroom2

June 5, 2007: As a student going into the profession of News Reporting, I dream of someday making an impact on society and the world. Travel has always been a passion of mine, and it has always intrigued me greatly. I would love to open doors to the millions of people who will never have that opportunity to travel and give them a sense of the world through my work. Spain is going to be a great opportunity to not just tell my family but show them Spain through the art of writing. I find myself interested more so in global issues rather than national or local. The issue on AIDS and poverty in Africa is a topic that is important to me and one that has caught the attention of the world.

Donate & Learn more about AIDS in Africa>> http://www.aidsinafrica.net/

An issue that hits close to home deals with the public school programs and state- mandated tests such as, The TAKS Test, Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills. Are our kids really being set up for success? It seems like teachers' agendas are being thrown out the window and given scripts. Then why hire teachers? Anybody can read a script from the state. I feel that students and teachers should be able to explore their own ideas and use whatever learning and teaching techniques that best helps the learning process.

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